Dr. Yasser Salem uses stress testing to help determine how well your heart functions under specific levels of physical or emotional activity. At Heart Failure Survival Center of America, Dr. Salem and his staff offer residents of the Marinette, and Crivitz, Wisconsin areas a variety of diagnostic methods to help them uncover potential heart disease. If you live in the area and are experiencing signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease, Dr. Salem encourages you to call and schedule an appointment with his office.
book onlineWhen are Stress Tests Used?
Dr. Salem uses stress testing when he needs to understand how well your heart functions at various levels of activity. A stress test can show whether or not certain medications or treatment options are producing the expected results. They can also help to identify potential abnormalities in your heart’s rhythm as well as to identify positive results after a surgical procedure.
When Dr. Salem develops an effective treatment plan, he may use a stress test to determine where to start your exercise program. Performing a stress test provides Dr. Salem with accurate information when it comes to finding out just what your heart can endure comfortably without placing undue levels of stress.
How Are They Performed?
Dr. Salem typically uses an exercise stress test. He hooks you up to an electrocardiogram so that he can monitor how your heart functions as your level of activity increases. He then asks you to walk on a treadmill or ride an exercise bike at different speeds so that he can evaluate your heart’s progress.
While you’re exercising, Dr. Salem monitors the information being relayed through the EKG as well as your vital signs. He asks you to push your limits to find out just how much your heart can withstand before you feel any adverse effects.
How Often Should Stress Tests Be Performed?
In most cases, stress testing is performed once a year at your annual checkup. An annual stress test can identify any changes that may have started to appear over the past year. Dr. Salem closely monitors the changes, offering any treatment options that may be necessary. If there are no notable changes, you won’t have to take another stress test until your next annual physical.
If Dr. Salem has had to alter your treatment plan dramatically, he may have you take another stress test in a few months to see if the treatment options he has included in your care plan are performing as they should.